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Courtesy listing.  The Veterans in Society conferences and the Journal of Veterans Studies are now core projects of our colleagues and collaborators in the Veterans Studies Association. This event was the fifth full ViS conference and the first conducted under VSA auspices. ViS conference proceedings are curated by the University Libraries at Virginia Tech.  (Authors: see submission guidelines). Between ViS conferences, we encourage you to contribute your ideas about research on veterans in society through the Veterans Studies Conference Group on Facebook.


Resilience, Pedagogy, and Veterans Studies 

Call for papers


Suggested hashtag: #ViS2022Phx

Conference dates:

   20-21* October 2022

Proposals due:

   15 July 2022

Location:  ​

   Arizona State University, Downtown Campus

   Phoenix, Arizona USA


Conference fee:

   No charge. (Many thanks to The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts and the Office of Veteran and Military Engagement at Arizona State University.) 



   The online registration form addresses multiple conference attendee needs.

   Competitive travel grants are available to VSA members. (Join VSA.  Why?)


See conference schedule and presentation descriptions.


*Veterans Studies Association officers and advisers meeting will be on the morning of 22 October.


What can we learn from veterans about teaching, learning, and practicing resilience?


The COVID pandemic of the past two years has challenged all of us in profound ways. Many of us have lost loved ones, jobs, and a sense of community. These losses bear an important resemblance to the experiences of military veterans: globally, over 100 million military personnel lost their lives in the 20th century; the transition from soldier to veteran involves career change and the loss of community. This conference will investigate whether and how lessons learned from veterans studies can help the world recover from the global pandemic.


More specifically, the conference will focus on three themes within this larger topic.

  • First, historically, what role has resilience played in helping veterans respond to these challenges and what lessons can society learn to effectively recover from the pandemic?

  • Second, are military organizations effective at teaching resilience? If so, how, and can those lessons be exported to a civilian context?

  • Finally, what organizational lessons can the field of veterans studies learn from veterans, and other academic disciplines, about how to make our scholarly community more resilient?





The Veterans Studies Association and Arizona State University invite scholars at all levels — including students and those out of academia — to cross national, cultural, historical, and disciplinary boundaries to reflect on the themes of resilience among military veterans, resilience pedagogy, and making veterans studies a resilient academic enterprise.


Questions elicited by the 2022 theme are designed to inspire, but not limit, possible submissions:

Resilience among veterans

  • Does military experience make veterans more resilient than civilians in the face of personal and social challenges?

  • Are there historical examples of veterans demonstrating greater resilience in the face of national emergencies (e.g., Plague of Athens, “Spanish Flu”)?

  • Are there international differences regarding resilience among military personnel?

  • Are there key differences in levels of resilience among combat veterans, veterans who served in the military during wartime but did not deploy, and peacetime veterans?

  • How does the intersection of different demographic characteristics (race, gender, sexuality) affect levels of resilience among veterans?

Resilience pedagogy

  • Does any military teach a pedagogy of resilience? Is it effective? Can that pedagogy be harnessed for teaching resilience to civilians?

  • Are there important historical and international differences in how military organizations prepare their members for the hardships of combat?

  • Can the pedagogies that are used to teach resilience to military personnel be translated into a civilian context?

  • How do their training in and experiences with resilience affect veterans as learners and teachers of veterans need to modify their pedagogies accordingly?

  • Are military veterans, given their background and training, more well-suited to teaching resilience in secondary and higher education?

Resilience within veterans studies

  • What are the essential features of a resilient academic field?

  • Can Veterans Studies be an enduring and resilient academic discipline? What would that look like?

  • What are the most effective pedagogies and strategies for veterans studies academic programs?

  • What historical and organizational lessons can be learned from other academic fields about how to foster resilience within veterans studies?


Session types

  • Individual presentations

    • Submit: 75-to 100-word abstract and a 250-word proposal

  • Panel presentation with 3 to 4 presenters

    • Submit: 150- to 200-word abstract, 750-word proposal including potential panelists

  • Roundtable discussion, with 4 or more presenters

    • Submit: 150- to 200-word abstract, 500- word proposal

  • Works in progress

    • We envision a workshop session specifically for sharing and refining early-stage research and/or engagement projects with kindred scholars and potential collaborators. Works-in-progress submissions will not undergo peer review.

    • Submit: 500-word proposal suitable for sharing among other participants in the session.



Submission guidelines

We anticipate that most successful proposals will be for individual papers or panels presenting completed research or creative works. However, we also encourage proposals that present promising, provocative work in progress as well as academically sound research that may use nontraditional formats/media.


Proposals (email preferred) should consist of

  • a cover letter providing contact information for the author(s), title and format of the proposed work,  and 

  • an abstract attached in a separate file (or sheet of paper).  Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words. Please respect word counts for abstracts by desired session type. and


Abstracts must be formatted for blind review: no author names, affiliations, or other personally identifiable information.


All submissions should conform to a widely accepted citation style that will be intelligible to an interdisciplinary audience (e.g., APA, Chicago, MLA).


Submit proposals, marked ViS 2022 Conference Proposal, to


We expect to notify author​​​s about acceptance of proposals on or about 12 August 2022.



As previously, we hope authors presenting at ViS 2022 will generate wide-ranging conversations that span disciplines, institutional affiliations, generations, and veteran/military/civilian status.  We encourage high-level participation from all quarters, including professionals in fields pertaining to veterans, independent scholars, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates with faculty mentors.


Authors will present their research in two phases:
1. Proposals. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words prepared for blind peer review and a cover letter.  At the conference, presentations should be brief and conversational, engaging panelists and the audience.


2. Contributions to proceedings. Authors will have a reasonable, limited time to revise their formal presentations' content and formatting for publication in the online conference proceedings, which will be available on an open-access basis.. Authors may also include slide decks of the presentations, handouts, and other supplemental materials as part of the proceedings. Multimedia elements such as video or audio clips may be incorporated into the papers or submitted as supplemental files.


Contributions to the proceedings will be curated by the Virginia Tech libraries (see earlier proceedings) to promote their widespread discovery, access, and preservation at no cost to authors or the public.  Each document in the proceedings will receive a unique, persistent identifier and date stamp.  Authors retain their own copyrights but are responsible for their use of others' copyrighted materials. 



For the latest updates about ViS 2022  please see







This Veterans in Society Conference is hosted by
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