an initiative at Virginia Tech
in Society
Archived page. This conference was cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic. See its call for papers here and its successor "Conversations in Veterans Studies" online symposium here. Between ViS conferences, we encourage you to contribute your ideas about research on veterans in society through the Veterans Studies Conference Group on Facebook.
ViS 2020 program archive:
Veteran Identity, Advocacy, and Representation
Sunday March 22
Registration is open
Welcome Reception
Opening Remarks and Plenary Panel: 'The Veteran Comes Back' at 75. Panel Organizer – Jim Dubinsky | Speakers Jim Dubinsky, Virginia Tech; Nancy Dallett, Arizona State University; Bruce Pencek, Virginia Tech; Jim Craig, University of Missouri Saint Louis
Monday March 23
0800-1530 Registration is open
0900-1015 BREAK OUT #1
Session 1 (Room 202) Panel Discussion: Integrating Veteran Voices in the Classroom
Panel Organizer - Sarah Myer | David Kieran, Washington & Jefferson College; Sarah Myers, Messiah College; Tanya Roth, Mary Institute and Country Day School; John Worsencroft, Louisiana Tech University; Samantha Wessel, Washington & Jefferson College; Erik Blasic, Washington & Jefferson College.
Session 2 (Room 204) Negotiating Identities
Identity negotiation in Military Service Members - Taylor Piva, University of Rochester
Veteran Identity and the Grand Narrative of Service - Katt Starnes, Lamar University
Veteran Identity Centrality and Resource Engagement - Steve Wahle, University of South Carolina
Session 3 (Room 403) Defining Veterans
Defining military veterans: implications for career transition - Michael Kirchner, Purdue University Fort Wayne; Sarah Minnis, Western Carolina University
Post 9-11 Veterans and Identity Through Autobiographical Visual History – Stephanie K. Erwin, The George Washington University
Nietzsche’s Abyss: This Veteran’s Dilemma – Greg Slayton, Arkansas State University – Newport
Session 4 (Room 404) Emotional Wounds of Service
One Soldier’s Heart: The Emotional Wounds of War – Ted Engelmann
Military News and Suicide: An evaluative content analysis of the Army Times’ suicide reporting - Nicholas Eckhart & Scott Parrott, University of Alabama
The effects of stigmatizing and counter-stigmatizing news stories on attitudes toward military veterans – Scott Parrott, David A. Albright, Nick Eckhart – University of Alabama
1030-1145 BREAK OUT # 2
Session 5 (Room 202) Panel Discussion: Humanities Learning and Leadership for Student-Veterans
Rosemary Erickson Johnsen, Andrae Marak, & Kevin Smith – Governors State University
Session 6 (Room 204) Veterans as an Object of Scholarship
Delineating the Concept, Widening the Field: “The Veteran” as Object of Scholarship – Howard Hastings, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Collective Memory Spaces of the Vietnam War and Their Effects on Veteran Identity - Abigail Buchanan, Michigan State University
The Oral History Collection of the Netherlands Veterans Institute and the use of interviews with Dutch veterans for research on combat experience – Jeoffrey van Woensel, The Netherlands Veterans Institute
Session 7 (Room 403) Writing Veteran History and Literature
The things they did not talk about –Kathryn A. Broyles
Archibald MacLeish: Combat Veteran and Public Poet - Jim Dubinsky, Virginia Tech
“Your Story is Important. No Experience Necessary”: The Transformative Journey of Charlie Mike, a Community-Based Veterans Writing Workshop – Ross M. Atkinson, Colorado State University
Session 8 (Room 404) Who Served and Who Can Serve Them
Military veterans are morally typecast as agentic but unfeeling: Implications for veteran employment – Steven Shepherd, Oklahoma State University
Who Can Serve Veterans? – Sarah E. Minnis, Western Carolina University; Michael Kirchner, Purdue University–Fort Wayne
The Veteran Dialect: Navigating the Discursive Space between Military Identity and the Post-Service Self – Sarah Clark, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Colonel (retired) Bill Butler, Chief of Staff, National Veterans Memorial and Museum
1400-1515 BREAK OUT #3
Session 9 (Room 202) Panel Discussion: Publishing with the Veteran Book Series - Matt Becker, UMass Press; Brian Matthew Jordan, Sam Houston State University; Benjamin Cooper, Lindenwood University
Session 10 (Room 204) Works in Progress
From the Battlefield to the Civilian Labor Force: What Obstacles Do Combat Veterans Face when Reintegrating To The Civilian Workforce? - Frank Hernandez Jr., Saint Leo University
A Call for Military Veteran Best Practices in Higher Learning – Luke McClees, Saint Leo University
Understanding Alienation among Veterans: Implications for Mental Health & Treatment – Joshua Evans, University of Missouri Saint Louis
Session 11 (Room 403) Non-American Perspective on Veterans and Service
So… did you kill anyone? - How perceived stigma leads to stronger group cohesion among Dutch veterans – Yvon de Reuver, The Netherlands Veterans Institute
Disabled, Unemployed, Homeless: Explaining Perceptions and Stereotypes of Veterans in US and UK Society – Rita Phillips, Robert Gordon University
A Preliminary Studies of Selflessness Republic of China (Taiwan) Veterans’ motivations, modalities, and implications to social charity – Felix Wang, Veterans Affairs Council-Republic of China (Taiwan)
The Lebanon mission as a holiday mission? A public image of a peacekeeping mission – Marjolein van der Werf, The Netherlands Veterans Institute
Session 12 (Room 404) Gender, Sexuality, and Service
“I have the deck!” Leadership style in sea-stories by LGBT U.S. Naval Officers – Nick Mararac, Georgetown University
Thank You for Your Cervix. – Lindsey D. Huber, Iowa State University
Bargaining with Uncle Sam: Military participation as a Patriarchal Bargain – Steven Dashiell, University of Maryland Baltimore County
War, Women and Contested Ideas of Military and Civilian Citizenship – Rose Meza
1530-1645 BREAK OUT #4
Session 13 (Room 202) Panel Discussion Advocating for Veterans’ Well-Being through Research
Arpita Ghosh, University of Kansas; Casey Bodenhausen, University of Kansas; Mari Thomeczek, University of Kansas; Hannah Ahmad Ridzuan, American Psychological Association; Troy Fox, University of Kansas
Session 14 (Room 204) Works in Progress
Writing therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress – Nan Darbous Marthaller, Faulkner University
“It was not a story to pass on”: The Place of Veteran Descendants – Benjamin Cooper, Lindenwood University
Growing University Awareness - the Impact of a Peacetime University Garden – Eric Hodges & Michael Lund, Longwood University
Session 15 (Room 403) Veterans on Campus
Servicemember, Student Veteran, College Student: A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Student Veterans’ Group Identification – Corrine Hinton & Kim Murray, Texas A&M University – Texarkana
From Start to Completion: What Factors Impact Student Veteran Attrition? – Roxanne Long, University of North Texas; Beverly Wagner, Texas Woman’s University
The Resilient Warrior: Veterans Finding a New Voice in Post-Secondary Education – Blake Rondeau, Minnesota Humanities Center
Session 16 (Room 404) Representing Military and Veteran History
Military Museums as Sites of Dialogue – Greg Waters, New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation
From Sugar Cane Fields to Rice Fields: An Oral History of Puerto Ricans in Vietnam – Manuel Aviles-Santiago, Arizona State University
Victims, Veterans, Survivors? Representation and Identity in Postwar Narratives of the Bataan Surrender – Elena Friot, University of New Mexico
Collective Memory Spaces of Vietnam War and Their Effects on Veteran Identity – Abigail Buchanan, Michigan State University
Fred Wellman CEO, Founder, ScoutComms
Josh Aronson’s To Be of Service
Tuesday March 24
0900-1015 BREAK OUT #5
Session 17 (Room 202) Supporting The Weight of Honor: A Film Screening and Discussion of Military Caregiver Advocacy
Corrine Hinton, Texas A&M University – Texarkana; Shawn Moore, Caregivers on the Homefront; Catherine Hoekstra, Shawnee Community College
Session 18 (Room 204) Works in Progress
The Assault Weapon Crisis – A Legacy of the Vietnam war – Pedro Thomas Meza, Queensborough Community College
Support and Advocacy for Student Veterans – Pauline Lubens & Tyler Solorio, Swords to Plowshares
The Religious Use of Natural Spas by Veterans – Ljubica Jovanovic & Sladana Mirkovic
(Room 202) Introduction of the Veterans Studies Association. Panel Organizer - Mariana Grohowski, Journal of Veterans Studies
(Room 202) Jim Craig, University of Missouri-St. Louis
(Room 203) VSA Leadership required, all VSA members are welcome