an initiative at Virginia Tech
in Society
Veterans, globalized: veterans and their societies in international perspective.
From presentation to proceedings
Contribute to open scholarship in veterans studies
The Veterans in Society initiative endorses open scholarship in our emerging, interdisciplinary, and international field.
By making conference papers, slide decks, handouts, postersand recordings available on an open access basis, we make scholarship available to other scholars, practitioners, veterans, and their families and friends around the globe.
Doing so is a service but also advantageous as traditional forms of scholarly communication become ever-more expensive for individuals and libraries, available to ever-fewer people
We encourage ViS conference speakers and other presenters to authorize the University Libraries at Virginia Tech to host your work in the VTechWorks institutional repository, where the proceedings of the previous conferences are already curated, indexed for discoverability, and available to an international audience.
If you are willing to deposit your work for this conference in the conference proceedings, please follow these links and complete these online forms:
Veterans in Society deposit/distribution license for proceedings documents (See VtechWorks Policies 1.6.)
University Libraries recording/deposit agreement regarding persons' likenesses. (See VtechWorks Policies 1.7.)
Paper versions of the forms were not forwarded to the organizers.​ We assume they were lost.
Authors have until June 1 to submit revisions of their papers (or write-ups of unscripted presentations), along with slide decks, handouts, and other presentation materials.
Please send files in a format compatible with MS Office (Mac or Windows) so we can edit for consistency and insert datestamps. Aside from posters, please do not submit files in PDF.
Email documents to Bruce Pencek, who will coordinate production with the editor, Heidi Nobles, the repository team and VT Publishing to compile the proceedings. We intend to make them available this autumn.
(If you haven't already done so, please also complete this short evaluation survey about the 2018 conference.)
This Veterans in Society Conference is based at
in collaboration with
Follow our Veterans Studies Conference community and #ViS2018 on Facebook and Twitter.